This afternoon the Lions room and Sam all went for an afternoon walk! We walked from Tiddlywinks to the park, where we had lots of fun using the slide, the climbing frame, the swing, the roundabout, the zip wire and even the fireman's pole! The children were really brave, lots of the children used the zip wire even though they were a bit scared! Even Carole had a turn!
Once we had finished in the park we stopped for a listening moment, to see what we could hear.
We walked on to the river, where we watched the ducks in the river, and saw a duck paddle! The children then began talking about the river, and how it would feel. Jess suggested that maybe one day we could do that, Sam said why wait! The children then took their shoes and socks off and went in for a paddle! We looked at the pebbles and mud on the floor, some children even thought they saw turtles! One child thought they might have seen a shark but we used our telescopes to check and luckily there were no sharks! We had a fantastic afternoon! Everyone left with big smiles!
When we got back to nursery we spoke about what our favourite park of the walk was. "I liked that nobody needed a plaster!" one child said. "I liked throwing stones in the pool!" Another said! "I liked it when the big ones used the rides at the park!" another said!